Workshop “Algeria at 70 : Challenges of Economic Reform and Development”

par | Nov 4, 2024 | Autres écoles, Ecoles, Sciences Po Lille

5th RIEME International Workshop

Algeria at 70 :  Challenges of Economic Reform and Development

Jeudi 7 et vendredi 8 novembre 2024 à Sciences Po Lille

Programme complet

Workshop organisé par Abdallah Zouache, professeur des universités en partenariat avec Sciences Po Lille, l’Université d’Oxford, RIEME et le Clersé.

La conférence du jeudi 7 novembre est ouverte au public sur inscription :

Plenary Session 1. Green Economics
18h – 19h30 – Amphi B
Chair : Abdallah Zouache, Sciences Po Lille, Clersé

“The role of energy efficiency and achieving economic and sustainability targets in Algeria
Fateh Belaid, Lille Catholic University

“The multidimensional water crisis in Algeria: What is at stake in the face of economic, social and climatic challenges?”
Mourad Kertous, University of Western Brittany, AMURE – UMR CNRS

“Sustainability challenges and seawater desalination in Algeria: Toward a Viable Future for Water Security”
Samir Maliki, University of Western Brittany, AMURE – UMR CNRS